Pricing EPG


Subscription - Per EPG

1 Month
5.99 USD / month
3 Months
4.79 USD / month
12 Months
2.99 USD / month

Subscription - All EPG

1 Month
216.17 USD / month
3 Months
168.13 USD / month
12 Months
120.09 USD / month

Features Subscriptions

Supports most Software with XMLTV Support - IPTV Provider / Tivimate / Magoware / Ministra / STB / OTT / Xtream / XUI

Supports most Software with XMLTV Support - IPTV Provider / Tivimate / Magoware / Ministra / STB / OTT / Xtream / XUI

EPG XMLTV list (both xml and gz)

EPG XMLTV list (both xml and gz)

Customer Ticketing Support

Customer Ticketing Support

Additional Features

Personalized XMLTV URL - We will merge the EPG and customize for your needs, change timezone, branding.
Assignment and Editor
Mapping service

Register today and try our 24 hour free trial!